Blessed Hope School is a Christian founded school located in Alebtong Central Ward in Alebtong Town Council, Alebtong District in Northern Uganda.
We have a mission which states that: ”We seek to exemplify the principles of the Bible in an atmosphere of discipline to offer an outstanding academic excellence as well as develop the whole child spiritually, mentally, emotionally and socially”.
Our school motto is: ”Favoured by God”.
Being a Christian founded school which promotes Christian values; we have witnessed God doing new things at the school; in our daily lunch hour prayers and sharing of God’s word, many children and some staff have professed Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
We have also witnessed staff testifying that serving in Blessed Hope School has completely changed their prayers life, growing to know Jesus intimately, getting to know more about God’s word, leading prayers and above all praying and fasting which they never did before joining Blessed Hope School.
Parents have visited school and testified of the attitudinal and character change in the life of their children and were wondering what we could have done which have dramatically changed their children. We have always told them it’s not us but they have encountered Jesus Christ which has brought the transformation they were witnessing.
Our children who are in primary six and seven in the boarding section; are able to lead prayers, praise and worship, share Gods word and serve as ushers during services and more especially on a Sunday service which is always done from the school during the term sessions.
As a result of the amazing thing God is doing among the children and staff; we have witnessed a staff and the wife both surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ during school prayer fast day. In fact the teacher confessed it was his first time to pray and fast from the beginning until the end and stated that he felt something new happened to him.
We have also witnessed God putting a burden in the life of some parents to come and join the school in fellowship prayers and Sunday corporate service.
The child sponsorship through Life Bridging Works/ ChristChurch has been such a big blessing to the care givers easily because many testified that if it were not because of God through sacrificial giving of our friends in UK, their children wouldn’t have been at school. They see the sponsorship opportunity as God given gift to the needy children in Alebtong which has motivated them to trust God and grow to the saving knowledge of God. Amen.
In the development of the school, especially when we did the painting of the classroom outer walls and started the construction of the examinations hall, a cross section of the community were hard saying,” God is with Blessed Hope School, because He God has opened doors for the schools development and that if it were not God the school would still be unfinished”. I completely agree with their school of thought that all the development from our UK partner is God’s work not mans.
Personally I have seen God work in the life of the staff to the extent that many who has never been serious with their Christian walk, are being challenged by the change in children and are being change too.
We have witnessed a lot of transformation were majority of children that used to absent themselves are now consistent and escaping has been reduced by over 99% on a weekly basis but this wasn’t the case before our daily lunch hour prayers and sharing God’s word. I believe God is using His word to shape our children.
I must confess that God is involved in the child sponsorship looking at the perception from the care givers testifying its motivating them to focused on God because they were ordinary people living in the village where no one knows them but their children who could not attend school are now attending; therefore means God opened the doors.
Prayer request:
We believe whatever we ask we shall be given, when we seek we shall find, when we knock the door will be open to us.